In bachelor party in Denia we have several options of restaurant and menus where to choose, always food of first quality, with good portions and with free bar during the food of beers, soft drinks, wine and water.
We have agreements with several restaurants in the area where we will always offer a closed price, some of them have sea view, interior terrace, outdoor terrace, live music or reserved area just for you, where we can take strippers, boys, drag queens, or perform some activities like karaoke.
We also have places where for a closed price you have the option of free bar combinations and shots for several hours, so you do not miss anything and always controlling the budget.
In addition, in the summer with the great influx of bachelor and bachelorette parties we will offer you the possibility of making them together with other groups in the same restaurant so that you can interact between and have fun.
Here we leave a few photos of some of the bachelor and bachelorette parties of the summer 2017.